Nose picking, baby crying christmas

Nose picking, baby crying christmas

Saturday, February 27, 2010

My Hero

At some point in every child's life, he or she has a "superhero" introduced into their life. For girls, it is usually a father figure (I learned that in my Psych class at Mercyhurst) and when asked who her hero is a girl will most likely reply, "my Daddy". For boys, superheros are usually the ones that they come across on T.V. or in comics (now a days, it's movies most likely); you know, Superman, Batman, Hulk, Ironman, the list goes on and on. I, myself had a superhero as well. The Incredible Hulk. I had a Hulk doll that I carried around with me,(it was larger than an action figure and made of soft rubber instead of hard plastic, hence it was a doll) the memory is vague at best, but I do have pictures of me with it.

These days you would be hard pressed not to find superheros everywhere you look, they seem more popular now than ever before. Christian Bale is Batman (Michael Keaton used to be,Val Kilmer & George Clooney were too and before him was Adam West on T.V.). Toby McGuire is Spiderman (before him was just animated Spidey). Robert Downey Jr is Ironman (AHHHHH). Superman most recently, in the movies, was an actor who's name escapes me (before him it was Christopher Reeves and George Reeves on T.V.) And lastly, The Incredible Hulk-my childhood favorite-is now played by Edward Norton (Some other actor played him in the first film, but was not very memorable and the T.V. Hulk himself was played by Lou Ferrigno-Bill Bixby played Dr. David Banner) Of course these Superheros are actually the altar-ego of an average everyday Joe and of course, they all have a sidekick to their hero and a damsel who swoons over them; this would be the same lady that they are secretly in love with and cannot have or the one they have but cannot tell their secret too. They must also posses the ability to be strikingly handsome, be it as the hero or the Joe. It must be so hard and confusing to be a Superhero. All superheros come equipped with super powers as well: web slinging, Batmobiles, turning big and green and scary, turning into a walking automobile, the list goes on and on.

My Superhero is no exception to this rule, he is handsome and strong with great hair and a beautiful smile. He has striking blue eyes and a laugh that is contagious. And his "Joe" name is, Lucas Vaughn Wychock. His superpower? Too many to list.

I did not notice at first that Lucas was an actual superhero. I mean, I knew he was special the moment I first laid eyes on him--but how special I would later come to find out. A few years ago, we had a porch put on our house that encompasses about 3/4 and it has a roof as well. Off of mine and Steve's bedroom we have a large deck that butts up against said roof. Every so often in the Summer, I will let the kids play out on the deck while I read in the sun or do work in the room--the deck has a railing all around it and the kids know not to climb or stand on the railing.
On a particularly warm Spring day about 2 years ago, I was cleaning the house and all of the kids were playing, but Lucas was nowhere to be found. I called for him in the house. No answer. I called for him outside. No answer. I asked the girls if they saw him, they said they had not. I searched all of the rooms and when I got to mine, I noticed that the door that leads to the deck was slightly ajar; WHEW, he's just playing on the deck. I peeked out the door, no Lucas. My heart begins to pound and I start to sweat, where could he be? He fell off of the deck! Panic has settled in me and I go outside and call his name:

Me: LUCAS! LUCAS! Where are you?
Luke: I'm right here Mom.
I look to the left and there he is, on the roof, walking toward me from the front of the house. Walking ON THE ROOF.
M: What are you doing? Didn't you hear me calling for you? How long have you been out here?
L: I heard you. I was sitting up here and I saw you in the yard. I waved at you, but you didn't wave back.
I am now begging him to come to me. You see, I am afraid of heights and was literally frozen in place standing on the railing, reaching for him. He walked to me as if he was walking down the stairs, hopped the railing and was in my arms.
M: What were you thinking? You could have fallen and broken something, your leg, arm, neck. (I just hugged him tighter) Please don't ever do this again. I was so scared that something happened to you.
L: It's okay Mom. I won't fall. I can't fall. If I would feel myself falling, I would just use my webs and pull myself back up. (Yes. He even poised his hands just like his Superhero Spiderman). And Mom, besides, if you would get scared out here, I would save you because I'm your Superhero.

And he is. So move over Hulk, there is a new Superhero in my life and he goes by the name, The Woog.