Nose picking, baby crying christmas

Nose picking, baby crying christmas

Monday, March 15, 2010

Random Funny Stuff

March 6, 2010

I was diagnosed with "Seasonal" flu yesterday and have spent all of my time in the living room watching T.V.. Lucas came into the room and changed the channel (not unusual for this house after all, my show was probably not that important anyway). He turned on Cartoon Network and the show "Chowder" was on. For those not familiar with this show, it is about a creepy little boy/monster thing that does nothing but eat (everything in sight). It is not my favorite show to say the least, but I humor Lucas and let him watch because I could use the company. He sits for about a minute, gets up to leave and says, "I will leave Chowder on for you because it made me feel better when I had the sickness last week". So sweet. And yes, I did turn the channel as soon as he was out of ear shot.

March 10, 2010

Today is Riley's Birthday and I took her and Janet to get their hair done. Lucas also came along. For the last few weeks, Lucas has been "milking" a loose tooth and today it is just hanging by a thread. One of the stylists noticed this and after some coercing was able to yank that baby right out--he was shocked to say the least. After the girls were all dolled up, we picked Aaron up from the babysitter and we met sister J and her husband R out for dinner. As we are sitting and looking over the menu, Aaron looks at Lucas, who is sitting across the table and says, "Oh no, Wucas, your mouf is broken!" I calmly told him that his mouth was not broken and that his tooth fell out and it would grow back. he responded by putting his head in his hand and said: "it's tragic". Tragic. Such a big word for a boy that refuses to be potty trained.

April 16, 2010

Janet reminded me recently of a funny story about her; when Janet was almost 3, we went to Hershey, PA to visit Steve's family and on the way back, we stopped in Clarion and went to an Eat N' Park for dinner. Because Janet was such a mature 3 year-old, she ordered her own food. It was always the same: Chicken tenders, fries and a side salad with blue cheese dressing. Yes. That's right, blue cheese dressing. After a few minutes, the waitress brings our salads, Janet puts the dressing on hers, looks at it, looks at it, smells it, scrunches up her nose and says: "Excuse me, Miss? This is RANCH dressing. I asked for BLUE CHEESE." The waitress looks at her and (bless her heart, she has NO idea who she is messing with) and says: "Honey, you must be confused, you wanted RANCH, little kids do not eat BLUE CHEESE." That was all Janet need to hear and she was out for blood, well blue cheese anyway she was only 3 after all.

After a few minutes of haggling between the two of them, I finally stepped in and explained to the waitress that, yes, my 3 year-old child does indeed eat blue cheese dressing on her salad and has since she was able to eat lettuce. That poor woman, she was put through the ringer by a toddler and then (rightly so) made aware by said toddler's mother that she should listen to kids when they order and question the choice at the time instead of taking it upon herself to change the order. Needless to say, we have never gone back to that Eat N' Park.

1 comment:

  1. That's Janet I know and love!! May she always tell the world exactly what she wants!!!!!
