Nose picking, baby crying christmas

Nose picking, baby crying christmas

Monday, December 14, 2009


When I was 24 one of the most tragic events occurred in my life; I lost my best friend, my Mom. If any of you were ever fortunate enough to have met my Mother, you would agree that she was probably one of the most incredible women to have ever lived. She raised 6 kids (her own) and there was not a weekend that I can remember that there was not someone's child or children in our house. She was kind, caring, giving and would do anything to protect her family, especially her children and grandchildren. (Oh, who am I kidding? She did EVERYTHING for ANYBODY no matter who they were) She opened her heart and her home on many occasions to countless people over the years; she is truly my hero in life. I have tried my best to model myself after her; I do what I can. I have learned the art of being a Ring Leader from her, an art form I hope to one day master.

Seven years, three months and seven days after she died, I gave birth to my first child, Janet. She is named after my Mom. She looks like my Mom. Her eyes are a gray/blue color, just like my Mom. She acts like my Mom. She even has little mannerisms like my Mom. Sometimes she says things ("good gravy"), things I KNOW I have never said in her presence, just like my Mom. It's almost eerie at times. Anyway, I keep a picture of my Mom in the living room of our house and have always told the kids about her and what a wonderful person she was and how lucky my brothers, sisters and myself were for being blessed with her in our lives. It is just something I do; maybe it is so that I won't forget her. But whatever the reason, I enjoy the stories and the kids seem to as well.

When Janet was 5 she went to pre-school and had a little friend that she would invite over for play dates once-a-week. During one of these play dates the girls were in the living room, sitting on the floor and Janet was holding the picture of my Mom telling her friend some of the stories that I had related to her. It was precious! My heart was filled with so much love and joy at that moment; what I would have given for my Mom to be there! Then it happened...because at the Circus, we can never have a touching moment that is not followed by something that breaks the "mood". Janet, in all seriousness, looks at her friend and proclaims, "this is my Nana, I am named after her. She is my Name Steak. Like the kind you eat. My Mom really likes her Mom and steak."

I swear, I laughed so hard I really peed my pants! Not nearly, REALLY! Out of the mouths of babes!

1 comment:

  1. I don't ever recall hearing that story!! She is her name steak!!! Love you Jannie!
